Reflection on National Reconciliation Week 2022
We sat down with Natalie who founded 'Boots for One & All Community' to talk about the notion of reconciliation in Australia and how her not-for-profit supports our First Nations peoples.
What does 'reconciliation' mean for Boots for One & All Community?
Reconciliation is a notion for us to all come together and play a part in developing, maintaining and strengthening mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, peoples, communities, and organisations across the Nation.
Our charity has reconciliation at the centre of our core values and strives to maintain a respectful bond with the communities that we support across Country. Our steering committee meets regularly and comprises of a majority of First Nations representatives in order to give guidance and knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander protocols and practices.
We are passionate about working alongside our First Nations communities to help bridge the gap and create positive change for future generations.
The theme of National Reconciliation Week this year is ‘Be brave, make change’, how do you think the charity puts this into action?
We are not shy in being one of the first to step up and reach out to those in need of a helping hand no matter what cultural background they are from. Our volunteers and members are continuously working on how to improve relationships and better understand our First Nations communities and the issues that are faced daily.
The charity is very active in attending cultural significant events annually across the Gold Coast to show our support for the First Nations community.
How does the charity bring people together in advancing our reconciliation with First Nations Australians?
Through positive relationship building across the Gold Coast and surrounds we have been fortunate to have built long lasting connections within the First Nations community that has branched out to wider connections across the country.
The foundations of mutual respect across the Charity have always been paramount in establishing and advancing in strengthening Reconciliation ties with our First Nations people.
If you are interested in learning more about Boots for One & All Community, click here.

Level 1, 60 High Street, Southport 4215 QLD
1 Dominions Road, Ashmore 4214 QLD
Mon-Fri: 9.00 - 5.00pm
MCCGC recognises that across the country, we all live and work on the unceded lands and waters of First Nations people, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.