Let’s Dance and Connect Workshop

We had a great session on Friday at our “Let’s Dance and Connect” workshop as part of our Women Social Group and led by our Care Finder Navigator, Lisa. Our amazing participants had the best time relaxing and learning an easy dance designed to connect and energise their bodies and minds.
Here is some beautiful feedback we got from our participants:
“A great gathering. The lunch and inclusion were very much appreciated. Well done."
“The ladies are lovely, and the classes are always interesting."
"Loved the dance lessons. Had a good workout. I would love another of these workshops".

Level 1, 60 High Street, Southport 4215 QLD
1 Dominions Road, Ashmore 4214 QLD
Mon-Fri: 9.00 - 5.00pm
MCCGC recognises that across the country, we all live and work on the unceded lands and waters of First Nations people, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.