City of Gold Coast Seniors Morning Tea

Our lovely Amanda and Ping from the Care Finder team were delighted to participate in the City of Gold Coast Seniors Morning Tea event as part of Seniors Month.
Seniors had fun participating in Tai Chi, dancing, and Cycling Without Age RickShaw rides. They also got close to Parrots For Purpose and had lively conversations and laughs over a cuppa and muffins. It was amazing to see the community coming together and celebrating our seniors.
Thanks to the City of Gold Coast for such a wonderful invitation.

Level 1, 60 High Street, Southport 4215 QLD
1 Dominions Road, Ashmore 4214 QLD
Mon-Fri: 9.00 - 5.00pm
MCCGC recognises that across the country, we all live and work on the unceded lands and waters of First Nations people, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.