Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations Met With Our YAG

08/07/2024 Posted in

Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations Met With Our YAG

Last week we had the visit of Gavin Choong, the Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations, who met with our talented members of the Youth Advisory Group (YAG) to discuss concerns and hopes for the future, touching on topics ranging from mental health, cost of living, climate change, cultural inclusion and diversity.

Our YAG highlighted that strategies should be developed and implemented to support students who face challenges completing their education due to income and distance. They emphasised the importance of creating opportunities for every student to thrive, regardless of their circumstances, as well as improving the health system and housing issues.

Soraya from our YAG expressed, “By addressing these critical areas, we can lead the way for a brighter future where every member of our community has the chance to succeed and live a positive life.”

In his role, Gavin is compiling a comprehensive report with all the findings and observations to be shared with the government, business and civil society leaders, and the United Nations General Assembly in New York. This report will serve as a valuable resource, offering insights and facilitating informed discussions on our youth.